Welcome to Michael`s Mavericks!
The kids and I will be participating in the Walk for Children`s again this year. On June 1, 2025 it will be one year since our whole world changed. Michael was rushed to Children`s via ambulance after an AVM that we didn`t even know was on his brain ruptured at home. He was rushed into emergency surgery to stop the bleeding on his brain, they removed part of the left side of his skull and left it off for almost the entirety of his stay. He spent one week in the PICU and the rest of his stay was on the Children`s Rehab Unit. He had to relearn how to walk, how to eat, how to shower, he`s still working on his speech. He’s come such a long way in his recovery and we have Children`s Hospital to thank for that, their amazing staff saved his life. We will be walking in his honor with the team name of Michael`s Mavericks. Please feel free to join us at the walk, or donate to this wonderful hospital! We are forever grateful to everyone we encountered during our stay.
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