Marcy Walter. NICU BABY STEPS.
I am participating in Walk for Children’s 2021 presented by UPMC and UPMC Health Plan because I want to make a difference for NEWBORNS born with birth defects, sick kids and their families. I will be joining thousands of others in my community and across the world in support of a movement to advance pediatric health care for kids and families in need. Also I will be walking with my daughter, Faith who was born with a birth defect that requiered surgery when she was three hour old. Praise God,she is the oldest surving 48 years with her birth defect from Childrens Hospital. My husband and I are so very grateful for Childrens Every child deserves the chance to grow up be a kid. But for kids who are sick or injured, hospital visits and treatments can take time away from the activities that make being a kid so special.
Please help me reach my fundraising goal by making a donation to my page. You, too, can help provide hope, healing, and healthier tomorrows for the brave kids at UPMC Children’s Hospital.
Thank you for your support as I Walk for Children’s!
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